Thursday, 30 November 2006

Back To The Basics

Y'know, it's sad. Sometimes people start blogs and then slowly but gradually lose sight of the great benevolent vision they started out with. Sadly, dear readers, I feel that I have recently become a perpetrator of this dangerous iniquity. But fear not - I will repent, starting now...

Yes! Jars of curry sauce will once again be provided here for your visual delectation! Rejoice!

Madras... a dish best served... with pasta... obviously...

Tuesday, 14 November 2006


OK, Italo fans... I know I haven't posted anything for a while, but hopefully this will make up for that sad fact...

Here for your delectation and amusement is one of my current favourite Italo tracks... it's kind of understated, but it combines the melancholy and frothy synth-pop that is critical in music of this kind. I love it!

...of course, the German introduction certainly adds a certain air to the proceedings...